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PEMS Method of expertise profiling – getting help (page for AI Agent)
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- PEMS Method of expertise profiling – getting help (page for AI Agent)
Motivation for automatic matching of people for “work” comes from the fact that human evaluation tends to fail when i) the expertise attributes of people in a repository are too diverse or ii) the repository is too large. On a global scale, of course there are many people and work opportunities, or queries for seeking a particular expertise for solving an immediate problem or getting the best answer for a complex problem. Work is distinct from a job. Work could be full time or part time, temporary or permanent or transactional, with or without remuneration, it could be advisory and performed physically at site or remotely in fixed or flexitime. With this broad definition of “work seeker” and “work opportunity a work provider offers”, we infer that every adult can be viewed as a work seeker or a work provider or both. So, both organisations and individuals can be work providers.
If you contemplate a generalised solution that is totally inclusive, i.e. it must work for grey to blue to white-collar workers at all management levels and across all disciplines then you will find all existing job boards or people (talent) matching programs falling short; they simply do not have the breadth and depth to capture human expertise with the required granularity. This lack of inclusivity and granularity in the design of computer programs obviously severely hobbles people matching in population scale databases or even in organisational databases when the skills of workers are very diverse or specialised.
The benefits of optimally matching people on a global scale are non-trivial. It could add trillions of dollars to the global GDP. McKinsey Global Institute, in a research paper titled, “A LABOR MARKET THAT WORKS: CONNECTING TALENT WITH OPPORTUNITY IN THE DIGITAL AGE” based on a global survey in 2015, had estimated that online matching platforms can add 2.7 trillion dollars to Global GDP by 2025. As “work” opportunities may outnumber “job” opportunities, the estimated positive impact on Global GDP would be even higher with a generalised people matching solution.
In a large knowledge-based organisation finding the best expert quickly can impact cost-efficiency and even the outcome of critical projects that demand collaborative efforts. In such cases, it is simply not feasible to find the best matches by the conventional method of key word matching or matching few attributes which are selected from a drop-down list of few dozen or even a few thousand enumerations. Even AI programs, capable of performing semantic searches, are not appropriate because text resumes are written in ambiguous language, and the expectations or requirements are often not articulated enough purposely or unintentionally. Sometimes, a user may like to filter work opportunities using criteria that are best not made explicit (public).
Existing Job Boards or Talent Matching programs work with few dozen enumerations in each drop-down list; LinkedIn, used by professionals, allows few thousands of skills sets to pick from. Text descriptions of expertise and objectives, written with or without the help of AI agents, even when they may appear very impressive can lead to irrelevant matches or leave out many relevant matches. Albeit superlative text descriptions, due to insufficient or inaccurate details, even very smart AI programs cannot produce desired results.
To meet the challenge of modern-day work seekers and work opportunities matching, which must contend with millions of functional areas or proficiencies of using different objects and tools, physical or logical types, Systems Dynamics (Software) Pvt. Ltd. has developed a unique solution called “People Expertise Matching System” with the acronym – PEMS.
Programmatic matching of candidates (WS: Work Seekers) or work opportunities (WP: Work Providers) not only requires profile as well as queries (expectations) to be input in a structured format but also with precision and completeness which is often not intuitively obvious to the user, i.e. WS or WP. PEMS facilitates such inputs through exhaustive and dynamic ontologies coupled with guidance. As the ontologies are updated by inputs of users for missing entries, the solution becomes smarter with usage and stays in sync with emerging technologies and knowledge domains.
In PEMS, there are multiple ontologies for different attributes of expertise or characteristics of a person. In older version of PEMS, guidance of searching appropriate entries from the ontologies, was provided by trained HelpDesk executives. In the new version of PEMS, much smarter guidance is additionally provided through prompts by AI Chatbot. As a result, the user can use PEMS to create more comprehensive and accurate profiles and queries which generate most relevant short-lists for WS and WP of work opportunities and candidates respectively.
Profile URL: PEMS creates a work seeker’s HTML profile that is easy to read and useful for BOTH manual assessments and computerised processing. The profile is presented in a single-page HTML format, but it can expand to show more details across multiple pages. For example, experience of functional areas in different jobs, full-time or concurrent part-time, will appear in job wise time spent details, however, PEMS aggregates the time spent over same functional area across jobs worked in, and produces a concise summary and presents it in graphical form which helps in forming a quick and precise picture of expertise profile of experienced workers. Users receive a shareable URL for their profile, which they can update anytime. The shared link will always direct others to the updated version of the profile. Users can also attach photos, documents and multimedia content, which can be password protected. Investing time in creating a PEMS profile is a valuable, long-term benefit for work seekers.
This note describes the dialogue an AI Chatbot could conduct and help the user, i.e. WS or WP, understand the benefits of investing time to create accurate AND complete profile as well as expectations or requirements in PEMS. Human expertise comes from qualifications, and credits one has, and from work experience that includes pursuit of hobbies. PEMS is designed to capture the attributes of human expertise with maximum breadth and depth, without any restrictions on number of attributes and their enumerations; users can submit missing entries for inclusion, after due vetting, in the master ontologies.
- For each qualification and credit, the user can select relevant Knowledge Domains (KDs) or names of Certificates or Awards from the relevant ontologies. Generic names of KDs in certificates or those issued by specific authorities of the Government or Private Organisations – are defined in the “Knowledge Domain” ontology. As already mentioned, KDs ontology can be updated by an organisation, for e.g. National Skill Development Corporation of India defined 36 Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) and in each there are dozens of certificates. Similarly, companies like IBM and CISCO have defined thousands of skill certificates. These organisations can easily filter candidates by specifying their certificates in search queries. Since each certificate has associated generic KDs, even other WPs can filter suitable candidates.
- Occupation Title (OT) often does not adequately convey human expertise. A predefined list – linear or hierarchical of list of several thousand or even tens of thousands Occupation Titles is not good enough. With OT, Management Level, Junior – Middle – Senior also must be input. For example, OT like Sales Manager or Computer Programmer, at Junior to Senior levels, are simply inadequate for expertise evaluation. Therefore, along with OT & Management Level, PEMS tries to additionally capture Functional Areas of experience. Based on the OT & Management Level, Functional Areas, which are more meaningful and granular, can be suggested to the user.
3. Functional Area is best defined with two components- Function (a verb) and Knowledge Domain (a noun). The pair of Function & Knowledge Domain (KD) defines a particular Functional Area. There can be millions of combinations, i.e. Functional Areas. In PEMS, Functions and KDs are organised as two independent ontologies.
3.1. As an example, a user who is a Primary School Teacher (an OT) or wants to hire one, could be asked what are the best sets of Functions and KDs that represent your expertise or requirement? Answer could be – Function (a verb) is “Teach” and KDs (nouns) could be: Arithmetic, Geography, Science and English. To help the user provide the right inputs, AI Chatbot could ask – Specify the Function (s) you perform or will be required to perform? And then for each Function, the Chatbot could ask – Specify one or more KDs of your expertise or required expertise.
3.2. Relevant Functions can be prompted by a LLM ChatBot after a web search and retrieval of information from internal ontologies in PEMS, and it may be noted that Functions at different levels of management hierarchy tend to follow a certain pattern. In the ontology of Functions these functions can be found and the user prompted accordingly:
- Top Level management functions usually include those in the branch below: Explore, Strategize, Research
- Senior Level management functions usually include those in the branch below: Plan, Design, Architect
- Middle Level management functions usually include those in the branch below: Control, Monitor
- Junior Level management functions usually include those in the branch below: Execute, Operate, Run
- Objects and Tools could be prompted based on the prior inputs of Qualifications + Knowledge Domains and OT and experience in different Functional Areas.
- To recap, the PEMS method of expertise profiling dialogue for providing relevant help explained stepwise:
Q0. First, it is important to make a user of PEMS to understand the difference between “work” and “job”. Particularly, the Work Seeker (WS) has to be informed that comprehensive and accurate profile as well as precise articulation of expectations are both necessary for relevant matching of work or job opportunities. Work is a broader term which includes jobs and not the other way around. Work can be voluntary, advisory or transactional, performed at-site or remotely in fixed time or flexitime. Work like jobs can be temporary or permanent, contractual or on payroll or a retainership. PEMS allows lot of flexibility to WS in sharing data in the profile and expectations sections. WS can make expectations and filters, which are like essential criteria in matching work opportunities, visible to or hidden from Work Providers (WP). The profile WS creates can be made searchable or non-searchable at different times. The profile’s URL generated by PEMS, after the profile is completed, can be shared selectively, furthermore, the attached objects can be password protected for restricted access.
Q1. Please specify your Occupation Title and Management Level?
Prompt: Examples of Occupation Titles are Sales Manager, Specialty Nurse, Software Developer and CEO of a Steel Scaffolding Manufacturing Company. Examples of Management level and OTs are: Top Levels – CEO, CTO, CXO; Senior Levels – General Manager, Head of Marketing Department; Middle-level – Sales Manager, Production Manager, Production Supervisor; Junior Level – Machine Operator, Nurse in ICU; Truck Driver.
Q2. After obtaining input of Occupation Title and Management Level, in each period or span of time, Chatbot may suggest relevant Functions (verbs) – searched from the web – and ask user to specify the relevant Functions s/he performs. Suggest to user the likely functions, based on the data mentioned above in 3.2 – the functions may be retrieved from the Function Ontology.
Q3. After obtaining input of Functions, ChatBot may ask for KDs of expertise for each Function; suggest relevant KDs based on the OT or the previous inputs of KDs associated with qualifications & credits – searched from the web – also guide the user that for each Function, one can input multiple KDs. Having got the above inputs, ChatBot may summarise the expertise (the OT, Management Level and list of Functional Areas of expertise) in the form of list and a crisp description and seek confirmation of the user’s satisfaction with the description of the profile or make suitable corrections in previous inputs.
Q4. After reviewing the inputs of OT, Qualifications & Credits and Functional Area, the ChatBot may suggest Objects and Tools the work seeker may have used. Here the lists can be shown based on LLM findings and supplementary list based on internal repository (ontology) of Objects & Tools.
Q5. ChatBot should suggest to users, i.e. WS or WP, that while searching from ontologies, care should be taken to select entries which are low (i.e. specific or narrow in scope) when inputting a profile attribute (i.e. resume or work position); and select entries which are high (i.e. broad in scope) when inputting an expectation or a requirement attribute. By following the above advice, the user will get more matches, conversely, by following an opposite strategy, the user will get fewer or may not get any matches.