Systems Dynamics has developed and deployed a program People Expertise Matching System (PEMS), which accurately maps the expertise of people and matches work seekers with work providers’ requirements. All PEMS offerings are available on a server license or as SaaS subscription model.

The product PEMS has multiple brands and portals. These are tabulated below:

Product Offering (Brand) Target User / Purpose
PEMS (People Expertise Matching System)
Medium & Large size units for external recruitment
EMMS (Employee Expertise Mapping & Matching System)
Medium & Large Units employing knowledge workers for finding experts & appropriate allocation of work
VCP (Virtual Campus Placement)
Colleges, Training Institutes for placing students, building recruiters and alumni repository
RPS (Recruitment & Placement System)
Recruiting agents for improving productivity & client satisfaction
EE Solution
Employee Exchanges run by Government (Department of Labour, Employment and Training)