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SD has developed Systems Dynamics Business Suite (SDBS) as an integrated set of application modules that are configurable and capable of capturing operational level data of any business enterprise. The programs provide hundreds of queries and reports useful for the operational level staff as well as managers and the CEO. SDBS helps decision making and allows users to focus attention on areas requiring attention through exception reporting. SDBS also helps to enforce business rules and unify the efforts of all departments to realise the enterprise goals.
The functionality of any program can be expanded or modified quickly to suit specific variations. Therefore, the user gets the best of both worlds – standardized components coupled with customized extensions.
SDBS has a single version for all users – it is an industry agnostic program.

Users get maintenance support, including unlimited usage guidance under AMC. SD ensures that the programs are compliant with the regulatory framework of the State or the Country of the users. Normally the cost of the necessary modifications are included in the AMC.
Users can opt for a private server which could be at own premises or on the cloud. SD can arrange this from its rented facility at a category III data centre. Users could alternatively opt for a SaaS (Software as a Service) license in which case the monthly subscription covers all costs – server, operating system, database and there is no separate AMC requirement.
Users opting for the Server license need to arrange for their server hardware, Windows Server License, SQL Server License and the necessary UTM (Unified Threat Management System – firewall and anti-virus software).
The client side users in both cases mentioned above need to download the SDBS executable from SD’s website and the PC of the users must have Windows 7.0 or higher (.NET Framework runtime from www.microsoft.com – comes bundled so no separate downloads are needed).