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SD can offer following products/solutions in the area of Human Resource Management:
“RECRUITPro” is an integrated recruitment solution that has excellent breadth and depth as a result it can be used across all disciplines and management levels. The program is offered with optional client service support for large recruiters. RecruitPRO has versions that suit
- Large Corporations – direct recruiters
- Placement agents (or RPOs),
- Colleges for placing students & building alumni repository and
- Government departments for empowering employment exchanges or building online profiles for teachers’, artisans’, minorities’ that would help in steering resources for maximum impact.
The principal benefits of the program are –
- RecruitPRO is based on intelligent matching with the help of elaborate dynamic hierarchical ontologies rather than on keywords or multiple expertise attributes
- Specialised and generalised solution across demographics and management levels
- Reduces cost-per-hire and time-to-fill vacancy substantially
- Affordable solution even for small time recruiters
- Improves the quality of hires from the available pool
Payroll Accounting System (PACS)
is a generalized program for permanent or daily wagers and it supports user definable categories, labels for allowances and deductions with corresponding rules of calculations. The program complies with the tax laws of India, customisation for other countries may require few days of work. PACS has interface with Financial Accounting System of SDBS . It can be implemented as an independent module of SDBS More
Time Management for Employees (TIME)
s linked with Business Process Model within SDBS. Its underlying data is the time log of daily work done by staff for assigned or unassigned work. Assignments may be made for clients, projects and processes which point to the process model. Time may be billed at the end of a period and invoices exported to FAS. In the daily log, staff may write problems that need to be resolved or any other issue besides comments on the work executed. Program generates summaries that help in managing projects and performance appraisal of staff. More
People Manager / Organiser (PMO)
is a small but versatile program for maintaining all contact addresses with memos for events, facts or notes related to each contact person. The program maintains multiple indexes for fast retrieval, for e.g. business categories, how you know the person, private or business contact, dates of renewals, birth dates, anniversaries etc.