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Advertisers using PRESS face a multitude of choices since there are hundreds of publications in different languages, having different frequencies and widely varying readerships in different geographic regions. Media planners in small and medium companies use National Readership Survey or some other survey to better inform themselves. However, for large spenders, it is now customary to use quantitative justifications with the help of computerised models because alternative plans simply cannot be evaluated based on readymade readership tables.

PEP requires respondent level data of media habits which could be sourced from Market Research companies like IMRB. PEP generates evaluation reports but unlike many common programs in the marketplace, it uses a sophisticated algorithm for estimation of REACH and OTS (Opportunities to see) in the target audience. A simple binomial algorithm does not estimate REACH accurately. PEP uses several algorithms, which are switched depending upon the respondents’ readership habits and the user plan.
Benefits / Features
- PEP also has other unique features. It includes a module, which generates a measure of buying response.
- Many advertisers believe that as OTS levels increase there is a diminishing return in terms of the buying response among the exposed audience.
- Therefore, alternative plans’ effectiveness is better compared by weighting the OTS distribution by the S curve.
- The desired level of OTS is determined with the help of a program, which asks qualitative questions of the planner. The answers are input on a ten-point scale and then used to tweak the S curve shape.
- The OTS distribution for different plans can be viewed graphically. This provides a better means for comparing alternative plans or for evaluating the plan performance in different regions/target audiences.
- PEP has many options while generating media exposure tables, estimating exposure to other media among the press readers, summarising plan performance over regions etc.
- With this tool, all India plan can be evaluated in a matter of minutes. The program reads over 100K respondent level records and uses an advanced mathematical model to achieve such a fast response time.
Product Category
Media Planning Software, Press Advertising Decision Support System
Target Users
Media Planners, Large Advertisers, Corporates, NGOs, Public Messages & Communications Department of Government
Request for more information
Post Enquiry or email on sd@sdindia.com.